Wednesday, October 17, 2007

There's Proof of a Brain

Ok, so my MRI was moved up to yesterday instead of Thursday. It appears they had a possible scheduling conflict and didn't want me to have to wait around Thursday so they had a cancellation and moved me in. Of course, this didn't bother me any because now I have a chance of getting my radiology report before the appointment on Friday.

Anyway, the only proven fact I have from this MRI is that there is proof of a brain up there. The brain matter is there, appears to be healthy, and since I'm functioning must be doing its job. :) I was able to get my scans, however, and although I can not see the infinite details, there does not seem to be any change. If you compare the two scans side by side, they appear to be exactly the same so I think we are good this time.

I will follow-up either today or tomorrow with my promised detail description of an MRI.

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