Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Great Divide Being Conquered

Recently, I was blessed to receive a comment from a man, a complete stranger from Amsterdam. At first it shocked me, so few people have left comments in my blog that I had never expected to receive one from someone I didn't know. However, speaking of my paradise and the beauty of this time of year, inspired him. I promptly, being the type of person I am, checked out his blog and left him a comment in return. Isn't that how blogs grow, you visit mine, I'll visit yours and we both feel good about the comments? I also found out that his wife had suffered from a Brain Hemorrhage earlier in the year and is currently doing great. That lifted my spirits on a day I was feeling a bit "down".

Apparently, I had made as much of an impression on him as he and his wife had on me. (Yes with just a few short comments between us.) I was surprised, yet honored to check out his blog, The difficulties of an irishman, the next day and see a picture of my family on his latest entry. He had blogged about the the ability of the internet to connect us to those that may be several hundreds of miles away. Everything he said in his blog was true.

Some of my most cherished friends are those whom I have never met or whom I met not at a bar but online. The internet has truly made the world a smaller place and allows us to do things that generations before us could never even dream of.

When I first started this blog, it was to help keep my cherished online friends up to date on what was going on in my world. I guess what I didn't realize is that my story might actually inspire others and that I would meet new friends along the way. Actually, I shouldn't say that, I did indeed hope it would do that but never actually thought that my words would succeed. To all my cherished online friends both new and old... I wish you well.

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