Thursday, December 18, 2008

Giving thanks, The Twenty-Second Edition

Today I would like to give Thanks for someone I've never actually met and probably never will. However, I know him very well through the CarePage his mom writes. Actually, I guess I should give thanks for all of them not just him. Today I give Thanks to Team Larson. Peggy, Scott, Coleman, and Caden have been an important part of my life since I found them a little over a year ago.

For those of you that don't know, Coleman is five years old and has brain cancer. Coleman has been fighting this beast for half of his young life. He has undergone numerous rounds of chemo, undergone radiation, had a stem cell transplant, and yet he fights. The most amazing part about this young man is his undying faith and servitude in our Father. He understands way more than any five year old should and his faith has never wavered. He is an inspiration to me to not only fight the beast in my own head but to never give up. He has shown me that faith can take you very far in this journey.

Although Coleman's journey has taken a turn for the worse, he continues to fight. Through his frustration, his difficulties, and his journey his faith never ends. Coleman is an amazing little boy just as his brother Caden. Caden has seen more with his little eyes than should have to be seen but he holds on to the light and as they say "Team Larson Nevva Givs Up!!!"

Continue to fight little man until God gives you your angel wings. You are in my prayers and thoughts.

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