Saturday, November 3, 2007

Overall, A Very Productive Day

Well, John and I have both worked hard on the house both inside and out today. Needless to say, the last ten weeks of chaos has taken its toll on more than just our minds. The house looked like a tornado ran through it. I worked inside most of the day and we can now walk through the kitchen, great room, and our bedroom. John worked outside on some projects that were delayed by harvest and my diagnosis. With any luck by the end of November our shed will be officially updated and tied down. (long story)

We also were able to catch up all the dishes and the laundry is about 80% done now. That's huge because we were getting desperate for clothes!!! I still have a bit to do on the house tomorrow so that it's back to what it was pre-diagnosis. Then I can focus on the things I need to work on before I'll consider surgery. I have a nice little list started so hopefully I can start checking them off soon.

Tomorrow we have a 4H meeting and we have to go to town to supper at Grandma's and the hardware store. I hate days we actually have things away from home to do but at least we had the day home today. We did get a lot done despite sleeping in until 9 and I took an hour nap on John's lap early afternoon. :)

Ok, enough of my boring life.

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