Sunday, November 11, 2007

I went Three for Three

Ok, I posted about how I had found a friend on MySpace. Well, I had actually found two friends on MySpace that I wanted to find again. They have both replied to me. It's kinda exciting to find those that you have thought about but been away from for so long. I think the last time I saw them was 10-11 years ago but they would frequently come to my mind. I had found one of them previously on MySpace but hadn't worked up the courage to message her. I guess if there is anything good that has come out of my diagnosis, it's that I no longer put things off to tomorrow when I can do something today. I'm so glad I did!!! It's really exciting to find out what those that meant a lot to you as a child are doing.

Anyway, I did say that I'm three for three. The third person I didn't find on MySpace but rather on my former school's website. She was a teacher I had that made a huge difference in my life. I emailed her to let her know how much she meant to me and to thank her for everything. She replied and she was happy I had done so. She really was a teacher that carried me through so many years. They say that most times there is a single teacher that can make a difference in a child's life. Well, she was that teacher for me so it meant a lot that I was able to find her and thank her. As it turns out, it's a good thing I did so now because she is planning on retiring after next school year.

Now I have one more friend from my early years that I hope to locate but I don't believe she's on MySpace. I will hopefully run into her folks again. I see them every now and then at the store. If not, I can always give them a call and see if they have any info for me. That's for another day though.

God works in mysterious but wonderful ways.

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