Monday, October 25, 2010

Surgery Less Than 24 Hours

Well, this will probably be the last major update for around 24 hours. There might be a few updates from John over the course of the day tomorrow but I want to put the message out now that there will not be any proper updates on status of how things are going and he will NOT know anything until around 7 PM CST tomorrow. They are saying it is an 8-10 hour procedure and he will probably not see me for 10-12 hours after I start pre-op at 5:30 AM. Therefore, it is likely to be a quiet day with the exception of maybe a couple of status messages late afternoon as I get moved from op to PACU.

The doctors seem very confident and so do I so we are ready to roll tomorrow. They are as anxious to get me off the steroids as I am to get off of them and it's quite interesting to say the least when they say that I have reactions to these things that they don't typically see in patients until they have been on them for months. YIKES!!! Anyway, I'll hopefully be posting to you all in 48 hours or so.

Love ya and huggles

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