Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Look at the Present

We now know that the tumor I've been diagnosed with is believed to be a "good one to have" (If there is such a thing). What I have is believed to be a Grade One Glioma which is benign and because it was found by "accident" it is still in the early stages of its formation. It's size is approximately 3 cm by 2 cm or about the size of a very large grape. Since it was found by accident, it is currently not causing me any symptoms, therefore my decision was to "let's watch this thing".

So currently that is what we are doing. I will have another MRI at about the six week mark to make sure it's being a good little tumor and not growing. We will then schedule yet another MRI six weeks following that. We'll see how it goes from there. We may have to continue on the six weeks for a while or I may get to go more like three months. Which would be ok with me although I really don't mind the MRIs much.

However, in the meantime, I have a "second opinion" scheduled to see a doctor in Chicago to look into a "cutting edge" technology called Gamma Knife. If I am eligible for this procedure and some of my more critical questions can be answered satisfactorily, this is a very possible temporary solution to my tumor. I'll explain more about Gamma Knife at a later time.

There's some tidbits to think about for now. I will return later with another "Beginning" post about "those five words that change your life".


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